Frequently Asked Questions:

Where are you located?

Our current studio is at 418 S.Second Street in Wrightsville.  We will be moving to our new studio in late 2023, which is located at 120 S. Second Street in Wrightsville (right across from the Wrightsville Fire Hall). 

How can I register my child?

You can sign them up online (see the registration tab) or email us at [email protected].  Registration paperwork can be found here -

What should my child wear to class?

We do not have a dress code! Have your child wear comfy clothes and make sure they bring a water bottle!

What is the time committment?

Your weekly class is the biggest time commitment.  If your child is on Cadets, Juniors, or Seniors, they should expect to do 6 competitions from late January to late April. 

How do I become a sponsor?

If you are interested in sponsoring the Studio12 teams, please review the page below and contact us with your donation amount, logo, etc.